Accounts And Inventory

Accounting is the systematic recording, reporting, and analysis of financial transactions of a business .Accounting & Inventory Management ensure accurate accounting and billing processes, provides extensive reporting capabilities and streamline income and expenses management of a company. In the growing years of money driven society, whether your business is big or small, the proper maintaining of accounts and inventory records will help you managing the company to outgrow others and inventory management as well could help you to tackle the unexpected situation in the course. Better understanding of the profit and loss balance will help plan the business activities in the future oriented scenario. We have a well established accounting and stock management system that makes the management to take right decision at right time.

Accounts, Inventory Management
Technology Used

Swing and Jsp


JBoss and Oracle

Key Features

Accounting : Account Payable,  Account Receivable, Voucher Accounts, Cash Accounts,General Ledger

Sales & Purchase : Order Processing, Memo, Invoice

Stock : Opening and Closing balance, Stock tally

Financial Statements : Income And Expenses Statements, Balance Sheet, Cash and Bank balances.