Coordinating the input from the user interface and the data from the database, a business layer assumes its importance in any software application. All the main logical operations are processed in the business layer. Java provides a numerous set of business layer programming packages. Servlets are the base and the widely used business programming layer. Java Server Pages (Jsp) which is the scriplet form of Servlet gained wide acceptance due to its simplicity and ease of handling of html tags. Together, Jsp and Servlets changed the way how web application works and web developers and web owners were attracted to the packages due to its simplicity itself. Then came Java Beans, which easily maps many Java objects, group of values from a database etc as a single object. Reusable components can be easily developed using Java Beans due to its independent structure. Java beans are extensively used by development companies for building reusable pluggable components. Telious has a set of reusable Java bean components which ease the development effort and brings economic advantage for customers.
Struts , Hibernate and EJB3 are the other main business programming layers of Java technology. For non trivial projects, jsp and servlet found little complicated to handle request and responses. To sophisticate the development of web projects , Craig McClanahan introduced Struts, the open source web framework. Struts gained wide popularity among all JEE frameworks due to its power and simplicity. Hibernate is a direct object/data relation business layer in Java technology, developed by Jboss team. Accessing of data is pretty simple and very fast compared to other JEE business layers. Enterprise Java Beans(EJB) facilitates developers to focus only on the business logic part of a system. EJB 3 again simplifies the development using annotations which creates the data relations automatically. In previous versions of EJB, developers have to write home, remote interface etc which was time consuming and to say quite boring.EJB3 avoids these drawbacks.
Telious has the dedicated team with wide knowledge in business layers are always keen to identify new practices in business layers and are more responsible for the development and unit testing of business layer development. Our knowledgeable team in Java business layer programming can suggest the best technology for your requirement.