Optician CaseStudy


An eye examination is a vital health check for a human being, which may detect signs of glaucoma, cataract and other eye conditions. It also helps to ensure you enjoy the best possible vision. To facilitate the easy handling of the day to day activities of the Practice, a complete Optician Practice Management system is inevitable. The objective of the product, vision soft, is to deliver an automated Optician Practice management system which would effectively use the resources of time, money and man power.

This system mainly focuses on the management of ‘practices’ which in our language are eye clinics. Each Practice handled large volume records and there takes too much of personnel interference in maintaining the entire practice. Each Practice has to keep patient records, the stock availability, orders, keep the information of suppliers, cash reconciliation etc and even each group has many practices under it. These practices are located in distant locations also. An Optometrist may be available in different practices under that group but their appointments in each practice should be traced for the easy booking of patient appointments.

According to our market survey into the optical market; we arrived at an absolute solution of developing Optician Practice Management software, with all integrated features. The proposed solution to be implemented should be diversified and user friendly. The system is exclusively intended for the Practice personnel. Flexible Java-based tools and techniques brought out through sustained and vigorous Java developers , have led to newer software solutions

The Product

Optician Soft, the most secure Professional Optician Practice Management Software, is fully integrated with Lab, Stock and Suppliers. You can access this application anywhere in the world using a secured login. This will help you control your entire business activity while you are at home or at holidays etc.The product, vision soft fully meets the requirements of Optician Practice Management, which includes managing appointments, recalling patients, processing payments, providing dispensing solutions etc. The system could efficiently automate majority of the tasks involved in manual handling of the process. The technology of Java is incorporated here.

Optician Soft, a new vision for your practice, uses the form ‘new patient’ for registering a new patient. It books an appointment for the patient through book appointment, does the examination, make orders and submit payments. If the patient comes next time the program manage patient helps to access the details of that patient and gives the previous records of examination. Another important feature of the product is the reminders for next appointment and reminders for orders. The reminders uses three modes of communication namely, letter, e mail and short message service. Also vision Soft tracks the reports of examinations, stock, orders and patient summary according to various criteria.

Development Process

Optician Soft is the result of the efforts put by our developers over days and nights. The keenness, the creativity, and the hard work of our developers should be highlighted in the launch of the product. It holds high the team work of our developers. With their synergistic ideas and enthusiasm one of our successful commitments took birth. They faced each difficulty with courage and viewed it as a stepping stone of success to deliver such a creative product. The various hurdles that came across were all alleviated by the co-operation of the team members and the friendly environment of the company. Since the system is mainly intended for the practice personnel many security and consistency issues were also involved. Many of Practioners’ helping hands in clarifying the issues and also comments on the day to day development of the project should not be forgotten. The analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to provide the software has gone through vigorous discussions and suggestions.

Customer Benefits.

1. Accessibility
The system is aimed at the end users- normal practice users or optometrists or practice administrators who may not be familiar with the computer interfaces. We have made the aid of simple messages to guide the user for the effective execution of the functionalities.

2. Highly secure and integrated
The usage of the system is limited to the Practice personnel, hence it should be secured. For this, several securities related functions are implemented to keep the reliability and integrity of the system

3. Conservation of time
Since the physical data processing is changed to fully automated system, the time taken for the manual processing of each activity is reduced and hence reducing the cost, man hours and perplexity dramatically.

4. Complete Solution
The system is a total package of functionalities for a practice in terms of Optician Practice management. It integrates several features like input, hoard and deliver data instantaneously.

5. Efficiency
The system is highly effective in swift response and also processing any amount of data with consistency. The efficiency comes from handling the patient records at the click of a button and cutting down repetitive tasks. The speed of the system in processing the provided information is also certain.


We have provided the system with complete support and continuous maintenance. The system is a profit assured business suite and more over a total solution to the needs of an Optician Practice Managing system. We are always there with our clients providing assistance at the client locations for the better implementation of the Product. We are also proud to deliver such an effective and adaptable system in this competitive environment backing all the needs of the practice. In fact, if Optician management has the responsibility of maintaining multi –utility, multi-practice facilities, we are conceited that we could deliver such an endeavor.

On all considerations including security, adaptability and functionalities, Optician Soft, is the best possible choice available in the market now.