The internet revolution has brought about drastic changes in human life. Not only the field of science and technology, management, research and development and many other fields make use of the advantage of information technology. And today as far as an organization is concerned, the influence of IT starts from managing the very basic functions of human resource management, Health and safety, giving feedbacks, scheduling appointments and meetings etc and it is as simple at the click of a button.
The client, required an indispensable intranet application which would represent the company’s vision of an efficient and employee focused company. The client would have the system, working more efficiently by not having to click through different screens to get information as well as to get hold of the information quickly. The proposed system should provide an effective intranet application which supports key company procedures like Knowledge Management, Information Search Engine, handling various human resource (HR) requirements, streamlining IT helpdesk requests, managing company diary, meetings and appointments etc.
We aimed at developing a system, meant for the end users, namely, the employer, the employee and other workers who may not have computer knowledge. So, the system was designed quite easy to understand and so user friendly with simple end user interfaces.
The solution, Intranet is designed for the real world, to provide a complete package embracing the above needs.The proposed solution optimizes the experience for all Management and employees, involved in the Bridgen sharing information and improving communication.
The functionalities include content management, HR activities, Health and safety, Ideas board, corporate calendar, Voting system, IT help desk, Job Descriptions etc. The system shortens the distance between employee and employer relationship, which ultimately results in the better communication between them. The content management application makes it easier for individual users to find the information that they need, reducing the reliance on human information sources .The employees could easily solve problems quickly and effectively. Helpdesk helps you to manage any problem that arises within your organization in a specified time. The feedback Forum allows you to start a discussion on any topic, enabling your employees to provide their suggestions, experiences and ideas, irrespective of time or location. Many health and safety measures are also available through the system.
The ultimate result of the proposed system will be saving time, proper planning and maximum use of the resources. The management will be able to accept ideas from the employees and act accordingly. Prior to the implementation of any idea the management can have suggestions from the employees also.
Railway Intranet is the result of the teamwork, collective ideas, and co ordination of our team of developers and testers, and their key skills in developing the software. The Bridgen Intranet client’s constant support in clarifying the doubts of our developers and continuous monitoring also helped in the successful launch of the project.
In the initial stage, requirements were collected from the client. Then requirements were analyzed and it was finalized with the client. This resulted in the design of the project. Then the requirements are made real through the development and it has gone through rigorous testing. The project was ready to launch at this stage.
In the process of development the hurdles that came across were alleviated by the timely interaction and ingenious ideas of the developers. The project has undergone a number of changes over and over to reach the final stage. The timely delivery, keeping quality standards, and delivering innovative solutions is most important as far as a project is concerned. We are satisfied that we could maintain all these with the least effort
1. User friendly
The system is aimed at use by the employers, the employees and other workers who may not be familiar with computer interfaces. The proposed system is so designed that it is simple, logical and easy to understand for all kind of users
2. Total Package
The various functionalities provided in the system are the complete package of the requirements of intranet software. It incorporates many utilities from health and safety to content management in respect of intranet management.
3. Efficiency
The system is highly effectual in providing information at the click of a button, thus reducing time and other resources. All the intranet functionalities are managed without the help of a programmer or technical person.
4. Integrity
The system is to be used by the individuals within the company and not to be revealed to others. So several security and safety related issues are also included.
5. Continuous and intensive flow of information
The system allows the better use of information at all levels of management which offers constant improvements and its execution. It also results in better communication between management and employee.
6. Accessibility
It is possible to access any kind of information at any point of time. Hence the accessibility of information is increased
We have provided the system with complete support and continuous maintenance. A system like intranet is inevitable for the proper functioning of an organization. By providing complete assistance at the client locations we could ease the implementation and avoiding difficulties in handling the system.
If the performance matches expectations, then the customers are satisfied with the product. Here we aim a little high, by promising customers what they demand and delivering much more than what we promised. In that case we are bigheaded that we could come up with such a successful, creative and complete solution to the organizational needs. Thus ‘intranet’ is not just software – it is a package: a package of functionalities for the basic organizational requirements.